Enterprise software is the downfall of higher ed

The swearing at the LMS commenced from the first moment of logging on as I tried to corral an interface that seemingly was set up to do everything but nonetheless stubbornly resisted my desires. The swearing was always greater in the fall semester as some task I had previously learned how to do now had a different flow inside the system, requiring a perpetual process of unlearning and relearning.
Over time, this problem has improved, but I recall it taking six different clicking actions to upload each document I wanted in the system and nest it in an appropriate folder. I thought I would enjoy knowing what and when students had accessed certain materials, but it was truly the opposite.
I recall providing a document with tips for editing and polishing submissions that I told students to review and follow prior to turning in an assignment. Looking at the analytics the morning the assignment was due and seeing that fewer than half of students had accessed the file, I was distressed.
Fairly quickly, the bloom came off that rose. When it first appeared in my life during my early-2000s stint at Virginia Tech, its utility seemed obvious to me.
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