Marin County supervisors unanimously voted to rescind a mistaken tax sale of a property in Tiburon originally auctioned for $6,600. The parcel, part of the Tiburon View Homeowners Association, was misclassified and includes essential community amenities. AssetRenew, the buyer, disputes the rescission and threatens legal action, asserting a demand exceeding $1 million from the association. County officials clarified that the sale was in error and emphasized community interests, indicating that AssetRenew's claims lack legal support necessary to overturn the decision.
"AssetRenew is trying to take advantage of what amounts to a clerical error, seeking a windfall from my clients based on that error," Richard Zuromski, the association's attorney, said.
"If the supervisors rescinded the purchase, it would file an appeal and take this case to the county judge for resolution," stated AssetRenew in correspondence with the county.