Oakland budget workshops can help residents understand city finances

Oakland is grappling with a significant financial crisis, marked by a projected $140 million annual structural deficit over the next two years. Cuts in services, such as temporarily closed fire stations and reductions in social services like Meals on Wheels, have heightened residents' awareness and concern. To address this, the city has initiated its biennial budget process and is inviting public participation through workshops. These workshops aim to demystify the city's complex $2.3 billion budget, allowing residents to engage and provide input as the city prepares its spending plan for the coming years.
Many Oakland residents are acutely aware of the city's financial crisis. While recent cuts have helped toward closing a big gap this year, Oakland is staring down a $140 million annual structural deficit over the next two years.
To help, the city is hosting two budget workshops for the public this month. Budget staff and experts will explain the process that will unfold over the coming months until the spending plan is adopted in June.
Read at The Oaklandside