In a heartfelt letter to Dear Abby, a reader conveys feelings of loss over a developing distance from a close work friend who has advanced in their career. The reader struggles with adaptation while the friend has seemingly prioritized their management ambitions, leading to emotional distress. Abby reassures the reader that mourning the loss is natural but emphasizes learning from the situation; work relationships should be seen in a more limited context. Another inquiry about a family engagement diamond reflects on family sentiments and the struggle over how to use or preserve the heirloom.
It takes a level of trust to share intimate details of our lives with someone. If that person takes a step back and heads in a different direction, of course it is hurtful.
You wouldn't be human if you didn't mourn the loss. On the plus side, you have learned from this experience. Work relationships are just that, and it is unwise to expect more from them.
You had a preconception about how your relationship with this person was going to be; he had other ambitions, and he is acting upon them. Such is life.
As a couple, we are trying to decide what to do with the stone. His mom doesn't want it back. We could sell it or I could keep it.