Alameda mayor: Looking back on five years of this column, since COVID

Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft, Alameda’s mayor, reflects on her initial column amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, emphasizing community health and safety. She acknowledges the collaborative effort with health authorities and local media to disseminate crucial information. As the pandemic evolved, so did her communication approach, transitioning to monthly articles covering diverse topics. Drawing parallels between pandemic management and navigating new presidential executive actions, Ezzy Ashcraft underscores the importance of credible sources and assistance from local federal representatives for community concerns regarding programs like Medicaid and Social Security.
Today, I'm struck by parallels between confronting the COVID crisis and the early days of a new presidential administration as we process executive orders, nonexecutive directives and constant news coverage.
My highest priority as mayor is the health and safety of our community. I wrote in my first column, "Normally we think of public safety as a low crime rate, rapid response to police, fire and ambulance calls..."
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