"The store is part of a federal food program that provides free groceries and baby formula to about 6.6 million low-income women and children in the United States, including nearly 40 percent of all infants nationwide. However, participation in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) has fallen in recent years, with only half of eligible women and children enrolled."
"Experts say the program's limited food choices have been a barrier. In response, program officials announced this year that WIC would significantly broaden the variety of foods on offer, hoping to reach a bigger and more diverse group of women and children."
"At the heart of the changes is the growing body of evidence that good food is essential to health, protecting women from pregnancy complications, saving infants' lives and reducing the rate of malnutrition in children."
"Before, they didn't have Hispanic food, like Goya beans. Now they are excited to make more nutritious meals for her children with the newly expanded food options."