When Is The Best Time To Go "Team Green?" TikTok Has Opinions

The article discusses the perspectives of TikTok user Jo Johnson, who advocates for 'Team Green' parenting—choosing not to find out the sex of a baby until birth—especially for first-time parents. Johnson highlights benefits such as reduced invasive questions from others and more versatile gifts for the baby, which can apply to future children regardless of gender. She insists that while choosing Team Green is a personal decision, experiencing it first offers a unique sense of surprise and setup for parenthood.
If you want to do Team Green in one of your pregnancies, I think you should choose your first one. You can choose all of them, obviously, but if you know for sure you want to experience it once, I think you should choose your first one: I think it is the superior choice.
People don't ask you as many questions. I can't believe how invasive the questions are! A child of an unknown sex, however, doesn't get people asking such specific questions.
When you [go Team Green] with your first pregnancy and all of your gifting from friends and family and all those really supportive things that you get can apply to any child in the future, you're so much more set up!
It's not some prerequisite to a perfect birth experience, mainly because any time you find out it's a surprise whether that be via early bloodwork, a gender reveal, or at birth.
Read at Scary Mommy