"In summer of '23 I (30, female) came off birth control because of some pretty bad side effects. My spouse (33, male) and I were always ambivalent about kids. We figured if it happened it happened and if not parenthood just wasn't meant for us."
"Given the diagnosis and that my state has now caused the need for a legal team's input for providing emergency abortions in the case of a mother's health being in jeopardy, I decided to move forward with removal of my uterus and remaining tube instead of risk death a second time."
"The surgery occurred the day after the election and I am recovering well physically. Still working on the emotional side."
"My mom (who really fell down the MAGA pipeline in the last two years) called me a few days ago for our monthly catch-up. I had not told her about the procedure because I wanted to come to terms with my decision before having to explain it to others."
#reproductive-health #family-dynamics #ectopic-pregnancy #political-divisions #personal-medical-decisions