"Nutrition is a topic that can easily explode into a time-consuming science but for most of us, applying some broad and relatively easy strategies will get us heading in the right direction. For those with a busy life where cycling is a hobby, investing multiple hours working out macronutrients and devising the perfect refuelling strategy after a big ride is unachievable and can often leave you too baffled to get started."
"Prioritise eating real food. The first bit of advice that Dr Impey suggests is for people to emphasise eating real, whole foods. Spending some time making your own meals from scratch with fresh ingredients allows you to connect with your food and know exactly what you are eating."
"It is also vital to get a mix of foods Dr Impey explains. The adage of chicken, rice, and broccoli, is all well and good but you're not eating a balanced diet if that's all you have regularly."