The British Have Finally Learned to Love Peanut Butter

In cities across the United Kingdom, peanut butter appears in shortbread form at Hawksmoor, a high-end steak chain; in a tart at the Greek chain Gaia, and sandwiched among 20 tiers of chocolate and mascarpone in a viral layer cake at Lavo, an Italian restaurant in affluent Mayfair.
In the late 1930s, William F. Buckley Jr. found his peanut butter care packages unwelcome at his English boarding school, with peers spitting the spread out.
The travel writer Rick Steves, during his first trip to Europe in 1973, packed a tube of peanut butter and strawberry jam, a novelty he assumed wouldn't be available abroad.
Sales of peanut butter in Britain have skyrocketed in the last half-decade, with the product now appearing in various forms from brownies to burger relishes.
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