Tech expert shares 'life-changing' iPhone trick that gets rid of annoying banner ads on Safari

"If you ever find these annoying banner ads stuck at the bottom of your screen click here, 'hide distracting items' and then literally tap on the things that you want to Thanos snap out of existence."
"Airdrop is great when it works but it fails way too often. If you plug in a cable while airdropping though, you'll not only guarantee that it works but you will also make the transfer practically instant."
"Double tap on a word to just select that word, triple tap on that word to select the entire can then tap the keyboard with a second thumb to start selecting that text manually, giving you much more precise control."
"Just swipe left with three fingers if you accidentally delete everything and you want to undo it. Now you don’t need to shake your phone like a lunatic."
Read at UNILAD Tech