"As a mom who's had five kids over a pretty wide time span (oldest is 20 years old and youngest is 23 months) I have seen a ton of kids shows over the years. Bluey takes the cake! It's the best, but if I had to pick a favorite it would be a toss up between 'Baby Race' and 'The Creek.' The 'Baby Race' one when Coco's mom came to tell Chilli she was doing a great job!!! I cried so hard!! The 'Creek' episode just makes me nostalgic...sigh...no other kid show can compare or compete with Bluey."
"I have a few, 'Sleepytime' was such a beautiful and funny journey through dreams and what being brave is as a child. 'Baby Race' has given me my own mothering mantra, 'You're doing great,' and 'Rain,' almost no dialogue but beautiful music, and you can see the whimsy of childhood along with the struggles of parenthood."
"My all-time favorite Bluey episode (and really, it's so hard to choose) has got to be 'Baby Race.' My son never crawled. He was a bum-shuffler, almost exactly like baby Bluey in the episode. He needed therapy with our local infants and toddlers group and didn't start walking until he was 18 months old. The first time I watched this episode with him, I was feeling all the same self-doubt and concern that Chilli experienced in the episode. I sob every time I watch it when it gets to the part where Coco's mom reassures Chilli that she's 'doing great.' I think sometimes Moms just need to hear it from someone else before they can allow themselves to believe it."