"Mobile phone use while driving is just one of the contributing factors to fatal and serious crashes. Sadly there's a stubborn cohort of people who continue to be a danger to themselves and others by engaging in the killer behaviours of speeding, drink or drug driving..." RSA Chairperson Liz O'Donnell emphasized the urgent need for stigmatizing mobile phone use while driving, to combat its normalization and reduce road incidents.
"It's a huge road safety challenge, and despite the increasing challenge it shouldn't deter us as a society from our common goal, because more lives can be saved and more injuries can be prevented..." This highlights the pressing nature of road safety efforts and the importance of collaborative societal action to address dangerous behaviours.
"The 'fear of missing out' on messages, calls and notifications while driving is a significant motivation behind this dangerous behaviour." Dr. Kiran Sarma pointed out the psychological drive prompting many drivers to use mobile phones, even when intending to stay focused.
"While many drivers do not intend to be distracted by their phones, and may have a desire to only use them for navigation..." This reveals the disconnect between driver intentions and actual behaviours, underscoring the complexity of addressing this issue.