Emlen Fischer and Ayla Christman, initially renters, casually explored the housing market in Palo Alto, California. Their recreational house hunting changed drastically after they discovered a 1966 modernist home with a distinctive low crumpling roof. Intrigued by the design, they were struck by the unique character of the house and felt an immediate connection. This pivotal moment transformed their outlook from mere curiosity to the realization that they could see themselves living in this space, thus prompting their decision to purchase the home.
You don't get all that much for the money, said Mr. Fischer, an executive at Factorial Energy. But, I had a bit of a Trulia addiction.
We were just looking at houses recreationally, on Saturdays or Sundays. The kids would run through the houses and hide in closets.
When they visited this particular house, they immediately knew—Ayla and I saw the roof line, looked at each other, and we were like, 'Oh my gosh, we're going to have to buy this place.'