The proposed legislation aims to enforce transparency in the lifespan of smart connected devices by mandating companies to disclose support timeframes on product packaging and online. Additionally, it requires internet service providers to manage end-of-life broadband routers responsibly. Paul Roberts, of the Secure Resilient Future Foundation, emphasizes this two-pronged approach as key to regulating the smart-device marketplace, promoting security standards among manufacturers. Despite its potential benefits, the legislation may struggle to gain traction in the current U.S. political climate that favors deregulation, unlike the European Union's proactive stance on product repairability.
"The cybersecurity piece really coalesces around the requirement that internet service providers that lease or sell smart connected devices to their customers take responsibility for managing end-of-life devices on their networks."
"Those are two somewhat distinct issues, but they're all part of the bigger problem, which is putting some guardrails and definition around this smart-device marketplace."