The Readability Episode

A Rust HTTP server for Python applications. Granian design goals are: Have a single, correct HTTP implementation, supporting versions 1, 2 (and eventually 3) Provide a single package for several platforms Avoid the usual Gunicorn + uvicorn + http-tools dependency composition on unix systems Provide stable performance when compared to existing alternatives
Improved diffs: Very verbose -vv is a colored diff, instead of a big chunk of red. Python code in error reports is now syntax-highlighted as Python. The sections in the error reports are now better separated. Diff for standard library container types are improved. Added more comprehensive set assertion rewrites for comparisons other than equality ==, with the following operations now providing better failure messages: !=, <=, >=, <, and >. Improvements to -r for xfailures and xpasses Report tracebacks for xfailures when -rx is set. Report captured output for xpasses when -rX is set. For xpasses, add - in summary between test name and reason, to match how xfail is displayed. Lots of other improvements See full changelog for all the juicy details. And then upgrade and try it out! pip install -U pytest
Read at Pythonbytes