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2 months ago

Stuck In Import Hell? Walk Your Way Out. - Pybites

Python datetime module used for age calculation
Challenges with testing in pytest [ more ]
The JetBrains Blog
3 months ago

Three pytest Features You Will Love | The PyCharm Blog

PyCharm has full support for pytest, including a dedicated test runner, code completion, and code navigation.
Fixtures in pytest allow us to set up resources and conditions for tests in a consistent and repeatable way. [ more ]
Python Test
5 months ago

Python Test | 211: Stamp out test dependencies with pytest plugins

Running tests in a suite can lead to dependency issues, making debugging difficult.
Plugins like pytest-randomly, pytest-reverse, and pytest-random-order can help test for and manage dependencies. [ more ]
3 months ago

The Readability Episode

Granian is a Rust HTTP server for Python applications.
pytest 6.3 includes improved diffs and other improvements. [ more ]
3 months ago

pytest 8 is here

Dropped support for Python 3.7
Improved Diffs and -r for xfailures and xpasses [ more ]
Python People
4 months ago

Python People | Will Vincent - Django, Writing Technical Books

Will Vincent is a former board member of the Django Software Foundation and has a strong background in Django development.
He has written multiple books on Django, including one on Python testing with pytest, which covers applying pytest to projects from beginner to advanced. [ more ]
5 months ago

Use unittest's subtest helper

The Python unittest module is often criticized for not being "Pythonic", but it was designed to be consistent with the xUnit style and to be familiar to anyone who has used an xUnit-style testing framework.
Many people prefer the pytest testing framework over unittest, but if you're using Django, its default testing tools are built on top of unittest. [ more ]
Python Test
6 months ago

Python Test | 209: Testing argparse Applications

Design applications for ease of testing
Use pytest and capsys to test stdout
Add debug and preview flags for debugging and testing [ more ]
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