Service Upgrade Pods Quiz Results -

The validating webhook for pods has failed: Validating webhooks in Kubernetes are responsible for ensuring that pods conform to certain policies before being created. If the validating webhook fails, it can prevent pod creation altogether, which would certainly impact the ability of new pods to serve traffic.
The cluster doesn't have enough CPU/memory to schedule the pod to a node: When a service is upgraded, its resource requirements may change. If the cluster lacks the necessary CPU or memory resources to schedule the new pods, it can lead to delayed pod scheduling and slow response times. This is a common issue that SREs and DevOps need to investigate when traffic-serving problems arise after an upgrade.
The new code added an init container, and the init container is taking a long time to finish: Init containers are executed before the main application containers in a pod. If a new init container is introduced during an upgrade and it takes an extended time to complete its tasks, it can indeed cause delays in the pod becoming ready to serve traffic.
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