Researchers Uncover TLS Bootstrap Attack on Azure Kubernetes Clusters

An attacker with command execution in a Pod running within an affected Azure Kubernetes Services cluster could download the configuration used to provision the cluster node, extract the transport layer security (TLS) bootstrap tokens, and perform a TLS bootstrap attack to read all secrets within the cluster.
KUBELET_CLIENT_CONTENT, KUBELET_CLIENT_CERT_CONTENT, and KUBELET_CA_CRT can be Base64 decoded and written to disk to use with the Kubernetes command-line tool kubectl to authenticate to the cluster.
This account has minimal Kubernetes permissions in recently deployed Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) clusters, but it can notably list nodes in the cluster.
Clusters using "Azure CNI" for the "Network configuration" and "Azure" for the "Network Policy" have been found to be impacted by the privilege escalation bug.
Read at The Hacker News