The article delves into the design inspirations and personal experiences of a home stylist. Highlighting preferred Instagram accounts for design ideas and favorite materials like linen, the stylist shares past upgrades, such as painting floors creamy white to invigorate the space. Acknowledging a preference for organization yet embracing a cozy mess, there’s an apology about a cluttered home due to a cat. Through personal anecdotes, the stylist expresses a unique approach to design, emphasizing vibrant aesthetics rooted in comfort and individuality.
Painting the floors creamy white creates a joyful clean start, allowing colors to stand out more and giving a sense of endless possibilities.
I wish I had taken more time to gather unique vintage pieces for my kitchen instead of settling on a simple Ikea design.
My living space is messy, but everyone feels at home here. However, I know it stands out more when organized in a tidy yet quirky way.
My design style can be described in three words: calm yet colorful and whimsical, aiming for a cozy and creative atmosphere.