pham huu son renders mediterranean-style beach resort in vietnam in white lime

Pham Huu Son Architects' iSea is an idyllic boutique resort nestled along the coastline of Van Phong Bay in central Vietnam. Its eight key accommodation units, each embracing panoramic views of the white sandy beach, intertwine with recreational amenities including a bar, restaurant, spa, and children's play area, where visitors can bask in the tranquility of the seaside.
Amplifying the harmony between architecture and nature, large glass panels expand spatial perception and create an image of unified identity between the resort, the sky, and the sea, while the curving roof is envisioned to be topped with cool green grass in the future. The white outer walls of the iSea boutique resort are paired with vast window frames painted in a blend of vibrant colors that infuse a modern and youthful appearance.
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