Juxtapoz Magazine - Kelly Ording is "Reading Palms" @ pt.2 Gallery, Oakland

Serving as a meditation on and celebration of minimalism, beauty, patience, and perseverance, Ording confidently navigates structure and space to create geometric patterns reveling in satisfying repetition and color theory.
Ording's process blends chaos with order, where the background evolves organically while the foreground is crafted with control, symbolizing themes of representation and personal growth.
Her work, evolving over 24 years, reflects a journey from gestural to controlled, mirroring the transformative experiences of motherhood and a search for balance, exemplified by the introduction of self-portraiture in 'Me Knot'.
Ording's technique showcases intricate overlapping lines, resembling braiding or knotting, leading to complex patterns and the illusion of depth, inviting viewers to engage in a visual challenge.
Read at Juxtapoz