How To Wrap A Cake With Chocolate Like A Pro - Tasting Table

In an article featuring celebrity chef Duff Goldman, he shares critical tips for achieving a professional chocolate cake wrapping. He emphasizes the importance of using thick acetate to avoid wrinkles and ensure smooth application. Goldman advises effective tempering of chocolate and proper spreading techniques to maintain a consistent thickness. By focusing on these methods, both novice and experienced bakers can enhance their cake-decorating abilities and produce stunning, polished chocolate-coated cakes.
Find some acetate and make sure you get one that's relatively thick... The thicker stuff... doesn't wrinkle as much... and anytime you get a little crease, you're going to see that in your finished product.
To tap into that acetate's full potential, there are some extra considerations to uphold. First, the easy method to temper chocolate like a pro involves melting chocolate twice to really achieve a rich and shiny consistency.
You don't want it to be too thin... because the thinner your chocolate is, when you spread it onto the acetate, the quicker it will harden, not allowing you to make the necessary adjustments.
Incorporate these additional four tips and be blown away by the results. Here's how to venture beyond the basics and wrap a cake with chocolate like a pro.
Read at Tasting Table