How Artist Esther Mahlangu Fuses Tribal Tradition With Abstraction

The one-of-a-kind vehicle, BMW i5 Flow NOSTOKANA, features color change technology by E Ink, transforming from a monochromatic silvery-white sedan to colorful geometric patterns, evoking excitement from onlookers during its unveiling at Frieze Los Angeles art fair.
Esther Mahlangu's collaboration with BMW highlights her mission of preserving and reimagining Ndebele tribal art practices, showcasing her dedication to upholding the tradition through innovative projects like the NOSTOKANA and global exhibitions of her work.
"Esther's entire work is a protest against forgetting," remarked Hans Ulrich Obrist, emphasizing Mahlangu's commitment to safeguarding the Ndebele tradition from being lost and ensuring its visibility through her life's work.
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