Frank Lloyd Wright Thought About Making the Guggenheim Museum Pink

"Few­er and few­er New York­ers may recall that the muse­um, in a then-grim­ier city, used to be beige," writes the New York Times' Michael Kim­mel­man.
Robert Moses thought it looked like 'jaun­diced skin.' Hence, presum­ably, the deci­sion dur­ing a 1992 expan­sion to paint over the earth­en hue of Wright's choice.
It could have fit quite well into the Mem­phis-embrac­ing nine­teen-eight­ies, and even the post­mod­ern nineties.
Wright had con­tem­plat­ed some pret­ty far-out col­ors - Chero­kee red, orange, pink.
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