Colorama at Superhouse Is an Explosion of Energy

Desigers Wendy Maruyama and Tom Loeser exhibit new work for the first time together in New York City in over 30 years in Colorama at Superhouse. This whimsical space is freeing, healing, and shockingly bright. Good designers know that child-like wonder, not the stuffy adult kind, is what touches our souls. Tapping in to that unrestrained joy of creation is somewhat harder as we age, a muscle that must actively be exercised lest it be lost to atrophy.
Maruyama and Loeser understand this fully, releasing themselves from the rigors of traditional furniture craft with organic details and a sense of fantastical quickness, at odds with the slower, hand-hewn nature of the collection. Each facet, fillet, and surface has been considered, employing materials in unique combinations that we've never seen before.
It is quite difficult to maintain this sense of curiosity that Maruyama and Loeser have managed to foster, especially in times of rapid change. They stand the test of time, again showing exactly how important human touch is, celebrating those that came before us.
The concentric layers of felt shown above are such a beautiful detail, simply allowing the unfinished side of the material to be shown on the top. This, in juxtaposition to the relatively industrial hardware that keeps the stool together, is quite nice.
Read at Design Milk