Why you should never hide your email unsubscribe link

With that one click, I'm unsubscribed. I'm taken to a web page that confirms my unsubscribe. No extra action needed from me. This flow couldn't be any more frictionless (unless perhaps if the unsubscribe was in the header).
People rarely scroll all the way to the bottom of an email and click 'unsubscribe' by accident. Therefore, in my view, there's little risk of unintentional churn here.
Instead of being unsubscribed, I'm taken to a login page...? Part of me thinks this is a bug. If it's not, then this is just poor UX and a mismanagement of expectations.
I ended up staying on the list as I couldn't be bothered to log in. Not a good thing (remember from our theory section) as Songkick will be bloating their list, reducing their open and click rates, and therefore harming their overall deliverability.
Read at Medium