"Well y'all, it's official, I have a new job, which means that I will be transitioning from my current position to a new one within the next two weeks. Amidst all of this excitement that I feel about this transition and this move and this new opportunity, I am filled with dread over one aspect of moving to a different job that I always face when I do this, which is having to have the tough conversation about how my name fits into a company email structure."
"My name is Samantha Hart, and most companies use the email designation of first initial, last name, meaning that my email would be 'shart.' I've had two professional jobs so far, and at every single workplace, this has been the email company structure. And, at every single workplace, I have received an email from HR the week before I start letting me know that my name does not exactly fit the company email structure as they would intend and if I would mind if they gave me a different structure for my email."
"Luckily, I'm hard to embarrass, and it was all in good fun. People knew I wouldn't be upset if they made a joke about it; I'd laugh alongside them. There are still people from my high school who call me 'Shart' to my face, haha."
"And now that Samantha is in the professional world - working in non-profit media relations - she said it's usually a topic of which HR professionals are conscious. They dance around the topic or try to allude to it, asking if we can choose another email for me tactfully."