The 50 Best Sci-Fi Horror Movies, Casually Ranked

The line between science fiction and horror is not always clear-cut. It is, after all, all too common for a sci-fi plot to reveal a horror of our own making ("I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that") or the frightening limitations of our understanding - like the unpacking of an alien language in Arrival ("we don't know if they understand the difference between a weapon and a tool!")
But for science fiction to be considered real horror, it needs to do more than just shed light on the science-based terror that is existence - it needs to give us a nice big dose of Hollywood-sanctioned danger. Whether it's a jump-scare or five, some oozing body horror, or even a classic chase scene, when a sci-fi movie embraces tried-and-true horror devices, the resulting thrill is one no other subgenre can match.
This is why we compiled 50 of our favorite sci-fi horror movies. Whether you agree or disagree with the order or inclusions on this list, we're sure that if you're into a sci-fi movie with an eerie thrill, you'll find hours of great viewing within.
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