In light of President Trump's second term focus on undermining scientific action, his efforts against climate science, though concerning, may appear less urgent compared to issues like healthcare and pandemic management. Nevertheless, Trump's actions include erasing vital climate-related web tools, which threaten public health and preparation for climate threats. DeSantis' similar tactics in Florida represent local absurdities, while Trump's broader efforts symbolize a severe suppression of essential climate data. Initiatives like the Environmental Data and Governance Initiative are attempting to salvage and replicate vital climate assessment tools during this pivotal time.
When a U.S. president tries to do a Joseph Stalin to the very concept of global warming, the effects are broader-reaching.
Several experts and nonprofit groups have set aside other, more constructive work to desperately archive as much federal climate information as they can, like a Dunkirk of data.
The federal government gathers, stores and analyzes mountains of climate-related data, which helps scientists everywhere study what's happening to the planet.
The Environmental Data and Governance Initiative (EDGI) created its own version of the White House's Climate and Environmental Justice Screening Tool.