Players: UFL threatened release for media boycott

The UFL is experiencing labor unrest as players were warned they could be released for planning a boycott of media days, indicating a breakdown in negotiations for a new collective bargaining agreement. Players expressed their desire for the league's success but criticized the release threats as unprofessional. Tensions mounted, highlighted by UFL quarterbacks skipping a recent passing camp and labeling a contract offer as 'unacceptable and insulting.' Despite disciplinary policies, cutting players for non-participation in media days is not standard UFL practice, suggesting a deeper issue within the league's operations and player relations.
We want this league to survive and we want it to thrive... But [threatening release] is just kind of bush league in a lot of senses.
In the normal course of business, like any professional league, the UFL has disciplinary procedures in place for a player's failure to participate in league events.
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