Abdul Qahar Ghorbandi, director of the Taliban's Taxpayers Services Directorate in Kabul, oversees tax collection amidst severe economic struggles. As Afghanistan faces crippling sanctions and reduced U.S. aid, Ghorbandi works diligently to ensure taxpayers comply with new regulations. Each day, various professionals navigate the daunting tax office, engaging with Taliban officials to fulfill their obligations. The Taliban has intensified tax efforts to counteract the country's economic contraction since their 2021 takeover, amidst criticism of their governance, especially regarding women's rights. Ghorbandi's role reflects the challenging balance of maintaining revenue and public compliance in a struggling state.
He is the Taxman of Kabul, a bearded, black-turbaned Talib with a genial manner and the calculating mind of a computer-savvy accountant.
The Taliban have sought to ramp up tax collection after a severe economic contraction that followed their takeover in 2021.
From his perch behind an enormous desk next to a black and white Taliban flag, Mr. Ghorbandi rides herd on hundreds of Afghan taxpayers each weekday.
Teachers, money changers, truckers, wedding planners, grocers and others trudge the worn hallways of the imposing tax building, discussing their taxes with Talibs pecking away at computer terminals.