Debanked: The Financial Suppression of Bitcoin Businesses Must End

We can't live in a world where somebody starts a company that's a completely legal thing, and then they literally get sanctioned and embargoed by the United States government through a completely unaccountable process. No due process. None of this is written down. There's no rules. There's no court, there's no decision process. There's no appeal. Who do you appeal to, right? Who do you go to to get your bank account back?
The termination couldn't have had anything to do with risky behavior or financial misconduct. Instead, the closure is emblematic of a systemic effort to hobble Bitcoin businesses by exploiting the centralized banking choke points regulators have turned into tools of suppression.
This is Chokepoint 2.0 in action. Regulators have found new ways to suppress industries they disfavor—this time, targeting Bitcoin miners and businesses. Instead of legislative debate or due process, unelected bureaucrats leverage their oversight of banks to nudge them into 'de-risking' clients that engage in entirely legal activities.
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