Without Polio Vaccines, How Quickly Will the Disease Return?

Grace Rossow's life has been profoundly impacted by polio, resulting in the loss of function in her left leg and requiring extensive medical care. At 32, she relies on a leg brace and wheelchair for mobility, having undergone numerous surgeries. Despite her challenges, Rossow feels fortunate to have received healthcare in the U.S. after being adopted from India. Experts warn that without ongoing vaccination efforts, polio could re-emerge as a significant public health threat, reminiscent of historical outbreaks that once paralyzed thousands annually.
Every time that I take a step, I have to think about it. My brain runs through every possibility: Is my leg going to slip out?
Rossow considers her situation fortunate; her adoptive parents brought her to the U.S., where she received health care that few polio survivors have access to.
It wouldn't take much for the disease to return on a large scale, spreading the same terror it once did in U.S. communities.
The most effective way to fight polio is the vaccine that prevents it, which almost immediately began reversing the disease's course in the U.S.
Read at www.scientificamerican.com