The Biggest Mistake To Avoid When Making A Rhubarb Cake - Tasting Table

When baking with rhubarb, it's crucial to cut the stalks into thin slices to avoid a fibrous, unpleasant texture in your cake. Larger pieces can lead to an undesirable, celery-like texture. Make sure to aim for slices about one-quarter of an inch thick and cut at an angle to enhance the flavor and prevent stringiness.
Rhubarb’s high moisture content can lead to soggy cakes. To combat this, arrange sliced rhubarb on top of the cake instead of mixing it throughout, allowing excess moisture to evaporate.
Rhubarb cake pairs wonderfully warm with ice cream or at room temperature with whipped cream. It stores well in the fridge for up to five days and can be frozen for two months.
Perfecting a rhubarb cake is an excellent spring project. Once you master the technique of cutting the rhubarb correctly, you can achieve light, fluffy cakes.
Read at Tasting Table