Cooking lobster at home offers a rewarding experience, especially when employing steaming, a technique favored for its ability to yield tender meat and preserve flavor. Expert Curt Brown emphasizes the importance of using a large pot to prevent overcrowding and suggests adding seawater or salt to enhance the flavor. He advises adding live lobsters individually to the pot and periodically rearranging them for even cooking. Additionally, following cooking times is crucial to avoid overcooking, with specific timings suggested based on lobster size.
'Steaming is a gentler cooking technique that yields tender meat and preserves flavor,' Brown says.
'It's important to choose a pot large enough to hold all lobsters comfortably so there is no overcrowding,' explains Brown.
'Live lobsters should be added one at a time,' Brown advises.
'It's best to closely follow cooking times for steaming or boiling lobster, based on the size of the individual lobsters.'