The English muffin, one of the most ubiquitous breakfast carbs, is actually the secret weapon in crafting a flavorful and unique grilled cheese. With its distinct structure, it provides more surface area for melted cheese to fill the tiny pockets, enhancing every bite with cheesy goodness.
The firmer exterior of the English muffin makes it far easier to transport and eat on-the-go compared to traditional sliced breads. This could keep your grilled cheese intact and prevent the cheese from slipping out, which is a common issue with softer breads.
Cooking the grilled cheese open-faced in a toaster oven allows the cheese to melt beautifully while browning the muffin base. However, it’s essential to balance the cheese quantity to avoid any messes that could spark dangerous drips onto heating coils.
Don't just settle for plain cheesy English muffins; consider adding ingredients like deli ham or apple butter for a more flavorful experience. These enhancements can transform a simple sandwich into a gourmet treat.