Is It Safe To Put Nonstick Pans In The Oven? The Answer Is Complicated - Tasting Table

Nonstick pans are popular among home chefs, but they require careful usage and maintenance to ensure safety and longevity. The materials of the pan, including the coating and handles, are crucial; only certain materials—like stainless steel and aluminum—are safe for oven use. Furthermore, Teflon-coated pans made before 2013 may contain harmful chemicals and should be avoided. Users must also heed temperature limits; Teflon breaks down above 500°F, while ceramic can endure higher temps but may wear over time. Regular replacement every five to seven years is recommended for safety.
If you like making dishes utilizing both the stovetop and oven, like baked eggs or cobblers, get to know exactly when you can put a nonstick pan into the oven and how.
Even the newer Teflon pans will start to degrade and give off dangerous fumes at temperatures above 500 degrees Fahrenheit.
You should be replacing nonstick pans every five to seven years anyway, so make sure any Teflon-coated pans you use were made in more recent years to be safe.
The first thing to consider is the pan's materials. Check handles, seals, gaskets, and any other trims to ensure they can withstand oven heat.
Read at Tasting Table