Forget Comfort Food for Coping on Election Day. What You Really Need Is the Most Complicated Pasta Recipe Known to Man.

"The final results after the polls close on Tuesday might take days (or weeks), and Donald Trump suggesting that he has a 'little secret' only fuels the idea that things could get tense."
"What we need is a metaphorical pair of handcuffs. My fellow Americans, it's time to undertake a Cooking Project-one that really counts, like your vote (maybe!)."
"Cooking, by proxy of our dilapidated attention spans, has become a clip show. It's seen as a hazard, a nuisance, a broken thing that needs fixing."
"By optimizing something that's meant in many cases to be time consuming and immersive, we have in turn robbed ourselves of an opportunity for meditation, introspection-and yes, distraction."
Read at Slate Magazine