Avoid This Mistake When Making Your Own Pretzel Pie Crust - Tasting Table

If you're looking for an easy pie crust to make from scratch at home, make one out of pretzels. They're one of our 17 best alternatives to pie crust.
Melted butter is usually what we use to hold graham crackers and pretzel crumbs together when we're making pie crusts. If you don't crush pretzels into fine, small, even bits, it will be hard for the crumbs to hold together.
Mix the crumbs with melted butter and a little sugar before pressing the crumbs onto a pie pan, in one even, compact layer. Par-bake the crust for a few minutes until toasted.
Instead of using a store-bought graham cracker crust, use the pretzel pie crust to make our delicious French strawberry pie recipe. The crispy, buttery crust will be a nice contrast to the tarty, soft strawberries.
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