For Valentine's Day, Malort is the Only True Way to Celebrate

This article highlights Jeppson's Malört, a uniquely Chicagoan botanical drink that serves as both a conversation starter and a relationship test. With a history intertwined with romance, it has a devoted fan base despite its harsh taste. The narrative recounts how the drink was revitalized by attorney George Brode and his partner Pat Gabelick. Their perseverance through challenging times illustrates Malört's cultural significance as a romantic companion for couples, especially during cold Chicago evenings.
A shot of this elixir can literally make or melt a relationship (romantic or otherwise).
Unexpectedly, romance is an integral part of Malört's story as chronicled in Malört: The Redemption of a Revered and Reviled Spirit.
On a cold snowy night, what Chicagoan couple in 2025 can resist snuggling near a roaring fireplace, sipping a beverage that’s been compared to sweat socks?
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