Why Tesla stock is Woody Harrelson's biggest regret

"Oh, I'll tell you one. This guy came up to the house and he had this really fancy, superfast car... He’s like, 'You want to invest [in the company]?" Harrelson reflects on a missed opportunity to invest in Tesla when it was still a fledgling company, highlighting a moment of hesitation that has turned into a lasting regret for him. He recalls how an individual affiliated with Elon Musk persuaded him to consider the investment, which he ultimately declined, resulting in a profound sense of what might have been."
"Tesla needed investors, and investors with money to spend... In the end, everything's okay." Harrelson acknowledges the gravity of the situation faced by Tesla during those early days, emphasizing that their fundraising efforts were critical for the company's survival. His statement underscores both the challenge and the risk of investing in innovative ventures, while also expressing a perspective of contentment with his own circumstances despite the regret.