The Ultimate Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3 Car Guide

The first thing you'll want to be on the lookout for is Bulletproof Tires. These are vital to have because with all the gunshots flying around, a handful of them are bound to hit your tires, and this is the only way to ensure they don't pop mid-fight and make it nearly impossible to control your vehicle.
Now that you have the Bulletproof Tires on, you'll then want to be on the lookout for the Spiked Bumper. This is especially important because if you run over a player or crash into their car with this, it'll inflict even more damage than it usually would.
Last, you'll want to equip the Machine Gun Turret. This immediately damages cars or players the second it hits its target, unlike the Grenade Launcher Turret, which takes a few seconds to explode after shooting.
Read at Kotaku