People Are Sharing Luxuries That You Might Not Even Recognize, And It's An Important Perspective

"Having a car. I was 30 when I got my first car, and it was thanks to the generosity of my boyfriend. So many people would laugh and say, 'You're wild for walking to work in the rain/snow/sleet.' Only a few understood that it wasn't an option and would give me a ride on particularly bad weather days or when it was dark. I live in a small-ish city where most people drive exclusively. It impacted where I could even work because I had to be able to get there via walking or public transportation."
"From this experience, I try to never make someone self-conscious of their mode of transportation and always offer a ride when I can. I try to vote for politicians who are for improving public transportation. While I care about the environment, it's less about that for me and more about providing people fair access to life."
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