When I graduated from high school, I felt lost, so I took a gap year to live in France. It better prepared me for college.

After unexpectedly graduating high school a year early, the author faced pressure to quickly decide on college and a major. Instead, she chose to travel abroad to France during her gap year, allowing her to reflect on her aspirations. During her time in France, she navigated challenges, adapted to a new culture, and ultimately discovered her passion for speech pathology, leading her to find the perfect college to pursue her goals.
I realized I had enough credits to graduate a year early. My graduation year changed from 2024 to 2023; I became a senior overnight.
Spending time in France became the perfect adventure. I remember the day when I arrived in southern France... with all the excitement only a 17-year-old girl could have.
I was greeted with sweltering heat, nauseating jetlag, and a language that I thought I knew but couldn't seem to understand.
I'm so glad I did because my gap year prepared me for college in many ways.
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