When Black Women Rise: A Conversation with LaTresse Snead - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

Interspersing that counsel with the telling of her own life story, Snead describes the challenges and opportunities she encountered in her journey from a working-class Black background to having a seat at the table of powerful and wealthy nonprofit institutions.
When Black Women Rise seeks to condense those lessons into a concise guide for Black women navigating the challenging, often hostile, and sometimes outright racist environments they may encounter on their own journeys to leadership—and gives advice on everything from moving past fear to developing 'executive presence' to learning how to 'fail forward' when inevitable obstacles arise.
In this interview with NPQ, Snead expands on why she wrote the book, what she hopes to convey to Black women leaders, and how she grades the nonprofit sector on its fulfillment of promises of increased attention to diversity, equity, and inclusion, especially following the 2020 murder of George Floyd.
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