The prospect of tariffs from the Trump administration has prompted businesses, particularly within the agricultural sector, to expedite shipping processes to the U.S. Grain farmer Landon Friesen has started transporting his wheat much earlier than usual to mitigate potential price losses. He emphasizes the urgency of this approach as a means of safeguarding against uncertain tariff outcomes that could significantly decrease the market price for Canadian products. As a result, the logistics of his operations have been markedly compressed, reflecting heightened pressure within the industry.
"It's been a busy season of just pushing hard to get as much across as we can before the potential tariff. We don't know if he'll [Donald Trump] extend it again or if this is going to be it."
"Our bottom line isn't big enough to absorb that. The grain won't go bad, but our markets are going to close down, or the tariff will hurt the markets."