Gavin Newsom said he doesn't have the 'bandwidth' to campaign against Proposition 36

Governor Gavin Newsom expressed concerns about Proposition 36, stating it would impose significant financial burdens on the state without providing a funding mechanism, making it challenging for him to actively campaign against it.
During a press conference, Newsom mentioned, 'I fear I can't do everything. I've got… trying to get through these 900 bills. I just pray,' indicating that his political bandwidth is stretched thin.
Newsom referred to the ongoing budget deficit, citing the Legislative Analyst's Office's findings that Prop. 36 would potentially cost the state 'likely ranging from several tens of millions of dollars to the low hundreds of millions of dollars annually,' highlighting financial concerns.
Despite his reservations about Prop. 36, Newsom noted public support in a recent survey: '71% of likely voters support Prop. 36,' showing a disconnect between his position and public sentiment.
Read at Sacramento Bee