The Hughes Postfire Baer, which began at 5:59 a.m. in Los Angeles County, has activated emergency response protocols to address the aftermath of wildfire damage. This response includes immediate firefighting efforts coupled with a structured recovery process comprising three phases: Fire Suppression Repair, Emergency Stabilization involving Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER), and Long-Term Recovery. Each phase is designed to mitigate erosion, flooding, and other hazards posed by the loss of vegetation and disturbed soils following the fire. Firefighters are on site to manage current threats and stabilize the area.
Fires result in loss of vegetation, exposure of soil to erosion, and increased water runoff that may lead to flooding, increased sediment, debris flows, and damage to critical natural and cultural resources.
A crew of firefighters is currently on site following the Hughes Postfire Baer that began today in Los Angeles County as part of an immediate emergency response.
Emergency Stabilization-Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) is a rapid assessment of burned watersheds to identify imminent post-wildfire threats and take action to implement emergency stabilization measures.
There are three phases of recovery following wildfires on federal lands: Fire Suppression Repair, Emergency Stabilization, and Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) leading to long-term recovery.