The federal workforce experiences significant turnover, with around 65,000 resignations reported. However, this figure must be viewed in context, as 50,000 to 60,000 workers are generally terminated annually for various reasons, including performance-related issues. Additionally, approximately 240,000 new hires are made each year to ensure continuity. Thus, while the number of resignations seems high, it represents a small percentage of the overall workforce movement within the federal government.
According to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, about 65,000 federal workers have taken the resignation offer.
In addition to workers who leave the government to retire or simply to quit, about another 50,000 to 60,000 are terminated every year for disciplinary or performance reasons.
The federal government experiences sizable turnover every year, with about 240,000 hires each year to replace departing workers.
While the resignation count might seem large, the denominator is a lot bigger.